Email marketing is very well known by marketers because it has been around for decades and is still recognised as one of the most efficient digital marketing techniques available. Stay on top of your strategy by reading our Melbourne agency’s tips on how to nail your emailing marketing campaign.

Is Email Marketing Necessary

A recent survey conducted by vision6 provides very interesting insights into Australian’s perceptions of emailing. So, do they still use their emails? The short answer is yes. But, here are some other interesting stats!

graphic of email marketing

Why Use Email Marketing?

Still an efficient and worthwile practice in 2018, email marketing is cheaper compared to other sponsored ad campaigns. The return on investment is easily measurable as the online software available for this activity all have tracking systems which provide analytic functionalities for precise results.

Additionally, the software will offer audience targeting options. This will allow you to have a better approach to audiences and will allow you to work on corresponding prospects with your personas and tailoring your messages.

According to Rob Lavell, Customer Communications Manager at Greater Bank, “Email marketing is not only one of the most cost-effective communication channels available to marketers today, but we’ve also found it’s the most preferred channel by our customers as they are becoming more and more mobile savvy. Our customers are doing more of their banking via mobile than ever before, so it makes sense for us to use this channel to build relationships too. The scope we have to send content-rich, personalised communications small to niche segments of our customer base is very powerful.”

How To Stand Out

field of yellow tulips with one red one

Let’s be honest, we don’t read all the emails we receive, but we do read some. Generally speaking, users are busy and picky, but they still want the latest news and to receive promotions from their favourite brands.

Here’s how you can use email marketing as an efficient digital marketing practice:

Target Proximity

Firstly, given the high number of emails by users received each day, it is vital to creating proximity with your target audience by using catchy titles and custom objects.

Here are some examples of objects that will definitely catch your audience’s attention:

– Example: Halloween treats have arrived! – 

 – Example: Last Chance Cyber Monday Sale Only AU $79 – 

Data-Optimised Campaigns

people reading news on devices

It is important to optimise the content of your email based on the data you’ve collected on your user. Their purchasing behaviour and whereabouts they live should be easy enough to find out with simple marketing tools.

Do not to talk like a robot. The email should not appear to be automatic, so it’s ideal to liaise with a content specialist for support on the language you use. Using your first name as a sender will bring you closer to your target. Use your direct mail; not “”. In your approach, don’t forget to address your client/prospect by their name.

Pay attention to the length of your email. Users do not read their emails, they scan. They diagonally read what you have written. If your email is too long, they usually won’t even take the time to read it. It is therefore important to get straight to the point, to communicate from the beginning about the purpose of your message.

It is also ideal to highlight only one product or service. When users are faced with too many choices, they end up skipping your email as it’s an extra step within the purchasing consumer path and requires more time and effort. Always remember, dear marketer, that the user is like you – busy!

Timing is Everything!


Scheduling your e-mail sounds simple enough, but you don’t want to end up in a mailbox that’s already swamped. According to Robert Lavell, “there are no miracle recipes but there are still some tips that should work every time”.

The ideal day: Tuesday is usually spoken about as the most ideal day to send an e-mail because the average opening rate is the highest. However, it is also the day we receive the most emails. Friday is also often prominent because it has the highest average click-through rate, and it is the day of the week when we receive the least amount of emails.

The ideal time: The ideal time of day to send your e-mail is between 1 pm and 2 pm to give time for users to get back into work after their lunch break or early in the morning between 9 am and 10 am. This works for users that have a 9 to 5 job, so it’s probably best to change your targeting for students and seniors.

Of course, there is no point in sending a campaign on a weekend, unless your target is B2B. In this case, it can be a good idea.

UX & Web Design

In email marketing, the user experience refers to the entire journey the user will be taking from receiving your e-mail, to clicking the link, to adding items in their basket to entering their card details. The aesthetic aspect of this journey is crucial. You need to think about elements like the tone of voice, graphics and text style.

But don’t forget the mobile optimisation. Nowadays, 49% of emails are opened on mobile so you need to optimise your content for mobile as well. This doesn’t mean you’ll have to prevent yourself from being creative or limit the type of format you could use. For example, one of my clients used their interactive map of chilli recipes from around the world in their email marketing campaign and the click-through rate was higher than the average. This demonstrates that the content you use in your email marketing can, and should, be creative.

Remember that it is mandatory to put an unsubscribe link in your emailing. Whatever the design of your email marketing, this is a legal requirement.

Performance Measurement

wooden ruler

We can easily get lost in the data provided by emailing solutions. It is therefore important to know how to sort it out.

The deliverability rate = number of emails delivered/total number of emails sent

This KPI tells you the number of emails that have arrived in the mailboxes of the recipients.

The opening rate = number of emails opened by your recipients/number of emails delivered

This data will allow you to know your reputation from your database and the efficiency of your object. If you want to work towards increasing the opening rate, make sure to review your object.

The click-through rate = number of emails in which there was at least one click/number of emails delivered

This is the number of people who clicked on one of the links in your message. How many people have been to your site since your emailing? This data can also be checked by implementing a UTM in your links and tracking it in Google Analytics.

The un-subscription rate = number of un-subscriptions/number of emails delivered

This one is fairly easy to understand and means that your emailing frequency is too high or that the content may not be suitable for your entire audience.

The conversion rate = number of emails leading to the defined goal/number of emails delivered

One of the most important indicators. This lets you know if your goal has been achieved, whether it’s a purchase, registration, or a download.

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